March 10, 2010

How To Be Happy :D

I've been seeing a lot of people around me who are so serious all the time, anxious and tensed about what is going to happen. It sort of bothered me a little so I decided to come up with a short 'How to be Happy' note. Dont get me wrong, I'm not giving out advices, neither am I a professional or anything. This is just out of experience and something I try to follow, myself. For the most part, it works out pretty fine! Try it - it might make you feel better! :D

Be Optimistic - It never hurts to hope for the better. The entire world could tell you that something might not work out for you, but that doesn't mean that it absolutely wont. Hope for the best and see how that changes things. And then go back and tell the world that they were wrong!

Be Laid Back - Be calm and laid back. Dont let things overwhelm you - that will just make you more nervous and anxious. Be slow and do one thing at a time. Just relax. Tell yourself that it will be fine. Remember, its not the end of the world.

Follow Your Heart -  Do whatever the hell you want! There's no stopping you. Walking down a street, if you feel like singing out loud or dancing, do so (that doesn't mean you make a total idiot out of yourself). Do what you feel is right for you. Be confident. Dont let the 'what ifs' and 'buts' cross your mind. 
For example, if its raining outside and all you really want to do is to get drenched with your best friend/sibling, just get out there! Dont sit around thinking "what if I catch a cold?" or "what if my clothes get messed up?" 
Blah blah, you can always wash your clothes and there's a reason why cold/cough meds are manufactured! :D

Talk To Friends - Always stay close to your family and friends. We all find people we can trust in. Talk to your friend or your mom (or whoever you're comfortable with) on a daily basis. Tell them about your day, ask them about theirs. Talk to them if something is bothering you, or if something is making you happy! The more you open up to a person, the more confident you will be. Keeping your worries bottled up inside you is only going to make you more stressed out and upset.

Dont Complain - I've seen people constantly complaining about their life, their jobs, their friends etc. Sitting around complaining is only going to make you look like a whiny little baby. Look at the positive side of it. Always know that there are hundreds of people out there who are probably going through the same thing that you are, if not worse. You're not the only one with a terrible luck. Its probably just a phase, try not to think much about it. 

Smile - Just be happy all the time! You dont need to look for a reason to be joyful, just smile like you've got no worries. It elevates the mood. Be more positive, compliment others, apologize every time you err, be cheerful around others. Happiness is contagious - you never know whose day you light up just by smiling and being happy! :)

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